Community Nursing


Public Health Nurses (PHNs) work to improve the health and well-being of Sacramento County residents that are medically underserved. PHNs will conduct home visits to provide education about illness, disease prevention, safe health practices, and how to obtain health care services and other resources. They also facilitate communication and resources between people, their families, and the medical community in order to improve health outcomes and empower individuals and families to take responsibility for managing their health.


Providing in-home health and support services to individuals and families who need them.

To Qualify

The community nursing program serve individuals and families:

  • During pregnancy with health issues/complications, substance misuse, mental illness, lack of prenatal care, in need of social services.
  • Children 0-18 with medical conditions, developmental delays, caretaker needs assistance, problems during delivery, issues with parent-child interaction.
  • At risk individuals and families that are high utilizers of the medical system and/or have barriers to accessing care.
  • Individuals and families with unstable housing and one of the above criteria.



Contact Information

Email or fax completed forms to the information below.
Call: 916-875-BABY       
Fax: 916-875-0860

Community Nursing Referral Form​​

