​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​support.jpgBehavioral Health ​Services

​​​Mental Health Services

Submit an online Mental Health Service Request or call the Behavioral Health Services Screening and Coordination (BHS SAC) Team to request an over-the-phone brief screening and linkage to an appropriate mental health service provider. 

Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm (24/7 for Mental Health Crisis Calls)
(916) 875-1055 or toll free (888) 881-4881 

24/7 National Suicide and Crisis Life ​Line: 988 

24/7 Mobile Crisis Response: Community Wellness Response Team (CWRT)​

We provide a full array of culturally competent and linguistically proficient mental health services to individuals of​ all ages.  Services include prevention and early intervention, outpatient services, case management services, crisis intervention and stabilization services, and inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations. 

Learn more about our mental health services. 

  • Adults​
  • Youth
  • Family​
  • Open Assessment Services:
    • ​Adult/Child Provider Services - We provide open assessment services for both youth and adults who are experiencing low to moderate mental health needs. Please click here to see current service availability, which may change on a weekly basis.
    • Mental Health Urgent Care Clinic (MHUCC) - We provide 24/7 crisis services on an open basis to individuals of all ages needing mental health and/or co-occuring substance use supports. No appointment necessary. The MHUCC can be accessed by visiting 2130 Stockton Blvd, Bldg 300, Sacramento, CA 95817 or by calling (916) 520-2460. Please click here​ for more information.​​

Substance Use Prevention & Treatment Services

We provide prevention and treatment services for alcohol and drug use/abuse. We contract with an array of community-based service providers throughout Sacramento County. The range of services provided through these organizations includes outpatient treatment, medication-assisted treatment, withdrawal management (detoxification), residential treatment, perinatal services, and sober living environments/recovery residences. 

To determine treatment needs and level of care to support recovery, a brief screening ​will be conducted by our clinical staff. No appointment necessary. To request an ​​over-the-phone brief screening and referral to an appropriate treatment provider, please call:

Behavioral Health Services-Screening And Coordination (BHS-SAC) Team
Phone: 916-875-1055, CA Relay 711 or toll free at 888-881-4881.
Fax: 916-875-1190
Hours: 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year.
If you are experiencing a behavioral health crisis, please call 988. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.

Learn more about our substance use prevention and​​​ treatment services.

Behavioral Health Resources


  • New Call Center: The ​Behavioral Health Services-Screening And Coordination (BHS-SAC) call center is our new call center that will link you to services for all your mental health and substance use treatment needs!  To learn more, vist: BHS-SAC.
  • Sacramento Cultural & Linguistic Center (SCLC): SCLC provides interpreters for all county-operated and contract providers for both Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention and Treatment.  Click ​here​ to the see the flyer for more information.  ​

Jobs with Behavioral Health Services

​Behavioral Health Services is recruiting!  Please see our job ​page for ava​ilable positions and application information. 
