Youth Access to Tobacco Products

As of June 9, 2016, in California, it is illegal to sell, give, or in any way furnish tobacco products to someone less than 21 years of age. California is the second U.S. state to raise the purchase age for tobacco from 18 to 21 (Hawaii was the first). Click here to learn more about the California 21 law. Importantly, effective August 8, 2016, the federal definition of tobacco products was updated to include electronic smoking devices as well as their components and parts whether or not sold separately under a  Merchants must check the I.D. of anyone who looks under 27 years of age to make sure they are not selling to a minor unknowingly. It is important to protect minors from tobacco because tobacco products are dangerous. The nicotine in tobacco is as addictive as cocaine or heroin. Users of tobacco - both young and old - often become physically and mentally dependent on them. Most adults who use tobacco started when they were teens - or younger. Most have tried to quit and wish they had never started.

What can you do to help? Don't share or buy tobacco products for minors. Tobacco products are items that contain nicotine from any source, including cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes. Source: FDA. Don't leave tobacco products where minors can get them. If you see a merchant selling tobacco products to minors or not checking the I.D. of someone who could be a minor, call 1-800-5 ASK-4-ID.

Tobacco Retail License

In 2004, unincorporated Sacramento County and the following cities in Sacramento County adopted Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinances:  City of Sacramento, City of Elk Grove, and City of Rancho Cordova.  Under a TRL law, government requires all stores that sell tobacco to obtain a special license for the privilege of selling these products to consumers. Local tobacco retailer licensing (TRL) is a very effectively strategy in reducing youth access to tobacco and retailer density.

Do you have questions or want to promote a Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance in your City?​
Call (916) 875-5869. 

Conditional Use Permit

There are currently 3 jurisdictions in Sacramento County that have Conditional Use Permits (CUPs): City of Rancho Cordova, City of Sacramento, and unincorporated Sacramento County. A CUP places distance restrictions on certain types of businesses, for example a CUP for tobacco retailers might require tobacco retailers to be a certain distance apart from each other and/or from youth-sensitive zones such as schools and parks. The main goal of requiring CUPs for tobacco retailers is to reduce access to tobacco, especially for vulnerable populations such as youth and low-income populations.

Do you have any questions or want to promote a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in your city? Call (916) 875-5869.
