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Several states are currently experiencing measles outbreaks resulting from international travels, including California. Measles is a highly contagious disease that starts with fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat followed by a rash that spreads over the body. There can also be serious complications. Sacramento County Public Health advises that vaccination is the best way to protect against the disease.

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Sacramento County Mental Health Project Aims to Stop Stigma
Look around you – at work, at church, at the grocery store, in the park, during your next family gathering.  Someone you know is probably living with mental illness right now and you do not even know about it. Why? Because the shame and discrimination that surrounds mental illness can keep people from speaking out or seeking help. 

Get the Flu Shot...Not the Flu
Protect yourself and help prevent the spread of flu by getting a flu shot every year.

Ordering Certified Copies of Birth & Death
Vital Records can assist you in obtaining a birth or death certificate.​

