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Aerial Spraying to Control Mosquitoes Infected With West Nile Virus

Scheduled To Begin Monday Evening

Department of Health and Human Services
Ann Edwards

6/7/2012 10:00 PM

Media Contact:

Laura McCasland    (916) 875-2008


Contact:  Luz Maria Rodriguez, Public Information Officer, Contact Number: 916.405.2082
 --Treatments will cover areas of South Sacramento County
Elk Grove, Calif.— The Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District announced today that aerial treatment for adult mosquitoes that may carry the potentially fatal West Nile virus is scheduled for two consecutive nights beginning Monday June 11th and Tuesday June 12th  from approximately 8:00 pm to midnight over portions of  South Sacramento County. “Our surveillance efforts indicate high infection rates in these areas,” said David Brown District Manager.  “Aerial spraying in addition to the ongoing ground treatments is necessary to quickly reduce adult mosquito populations, interrupt the virus transmission cycle and to protect public health” said Brown. “We would like to conduct these aerial applications immediately; however the weather is not cooperating and this forces us to delay until next week when the conditions look to be more favorable.  In the meantime, residents should use repellent if they are going to be outside” added Brown. 
For the past few weeks the District has been closely monitoring the area of South Sacramento County where many birds have tested positive for WNV. On June 4th, 32 mosquito samples tested positive prompting the District to take immediate action. “We’re very concerned because this season, West Nile virus activity came much sooner than previous years” indicated Brown.  “A mild winter, a reduction in financial resources and an increase in regulations have resulted in the number of adult mosquitoes we’re seeing now. If this trend continues we will likely have a long and intense mosquito season.”
The area that is currently being considered for treatment is approximately 30,000 acres from Elder Creek Rd down to Elk Grove Blvd and from Bruceville Rd. on the west to Excelsior Rd. on the east and bordering with Grantline Rd.  Please note that the area can be modified based on ongoing surveillance results. See the attached map and refer to the website for exact treatment locations. Treatments will be made using either a pyrethroid or an organophosphate insecticide registered for use in mosquito control by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California EPA. While attempts are made to notify the public, the District may postpone or cancel a scheduled application due to unfavorable weather conditions or other reasons. Please check the website for the latest information.
While most of the WNV activity has been centered in South Sacramento, all residents should remain vigilant because virus activity has also been detected in other areas of Sacramento County. Fortunately, no human cases have been reported in our area,
Level  2--Sacramento County:  29 dead birds and  42 mosquito samples have tested positive for West Nile virus to date.
Level 2--Yolo County2 dead birds and 2 mosquito samples have tested positive for West Nile virus to date