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Sacramento County FREE 2015 Adult and Family Flu Clinics


Department of Health and Human Services
Sherri Z. Heller

10/5/2015 10:00 PM

Media Contact:

Laura McCasland    (916) 875-2008


Sacramento, CA – The Division of Public Health's Immunization Assistance Program will provide a series of FREE Adult and Family Flu Clinics starting October 3, 2015.

Flu vaccines are given to protect against the predominant strains of flu viruses that are currently circulating around the globe.  The vaccines this year will consist of three components; two strains of the A virus (H1N1 and H3N2) and one strain of the B virus. There are also some vaccines that protect against an additional B strain.

Everyone in the community over the age of 6 months who does not have a contraindication to the vaccine, should get vaccinated.  Vaccination is the best protection against the flu.  As the number of vaccinated individuals in a community increases, the likelihood that a person who has not been vaccinated coming into contact with the virus decreases. Take time to get vaccinated!

"It is important for everyone to get vaccinated.  It protects the entire community particularly those who cannot receive vaccinations, such as infants under six months of age and people with contraindications to flu vaccination, such as individuals with severe egg allergies, or certain cancers ," said Dr. Olivia Kasirye, Sacramento County Public Health Officer. "The earlier people get vaccinated, the better. It takes two weeks for the protective properties of the vaccine to take effect."

Flu shots will be available for persons over 6 months of age without medical contraindication to receive the vaccine.

Donations will be accepted but not required.

Oct. 3rd: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Healthy Kids Day, Sleep Train Arena, 1 Sports Pkwy., Sacramento

Oct 6th: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., St. Therese Church, 100 4th St., Isleton

Oct. 15th: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Citrus Heights Community Center, 6300 Fountain Square Dr., Citrus Heights

Oct. 22nd: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Mission Oak Community Center, 4701 Gibbons Dr., Carmichael

Oct. 24th: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Church of Christ, 4910 Lemon Hill Ave., Sacramento

Nov. 3rd: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Department of Human Assistance, 2450 Florin Rd., Sacramento

Nov. 5th: 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sacramento County Administration Building, 700 H St, Sacramento

Nov. 12th: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Rusch Park, 7801 Auburn Blvd., Citrus Heights

Please note: This advisory is to provide details about the clinics for your readers, listeners and viewers. If you would like an interview with a topic expert, please call Laura McCasland, (916) 420-0600, as far in advance as possible, to ensure that a topic expert is available at a designated time.
  Thank you very much for helping us get the word out about these clinics.