Behavioral Health Services Act (BHSA)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES ACT​

​​Behavioral Health Services Act (BHSA) makes significant revisions to the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), including:

  • Updating allocations for local services and modifies how MHSA funds are allocated.
  • Broadening target population to include individuals with substance use disorders. 
  • Advancing community-defined practices as a key strategy of reducing health disparities and increasing community representation.
​​​Timeline​ ​ ​
​Early 2025
​Early 2025
Integrated Plan
​Community and System Engagement will be utilized throughout all milestones to inform plan and policy creation.
​BHSA Plan Guidance and Policy will be released by DHCS in phases.
​The BHSA Community Planning
Process will begin once the
integrated guidance and policies
are ​​released by DHCS.

​New Integrated Plans, fiscal transparency, and data reporting requirements go live in July 2026
(for next three-year cycle).

​​​*Behavioral Health Transformation (BHT) is the effort that will implement Proposition 1. The two legislative bills that created the language in Proposition 1 are:

·  Behavioral Health Services Act SB 326
·​  Behavioral Health Infrastructure Bond Act AB 531

​Funding Allocations

​​Housing (30%):​
  • Children and families, youth, adults, and older adults living with SMI/SED and/or SUD who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
  • 50% is prioritized for housing interventions for the chronically homeless with BH challenges.
  • Includes rental subsidies, operating subsidies, shared and family housing, capital, and the non-federal share for certain transitional rent.​
​ ​
​​Full Service Partnership (FSP) (35%)
  • ​​Mental health, supportive services, and substance use disorder treatment services.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • Community-defined evidence practices (CDEP)
  • Assertive Community Treatment /Forensic Assertive Community Treatment, Supported employment, & high fidelity wraparound are required.
  • Outpatient behavioral health services, either clinic or field based, necessary for on-going evaluation and stabilization of an enrolled individual.
  • On-going engagement services necessary to maintain enrolled individuals in their treatment plan inclusive of clinical and non-clinical services, including services to support maintaining housing.

*Counties will have the flexibility to move up to 7% of funding​ from one category to another to allow counties to address their different local needs and priorities.
​Behavioral Health Services and Supports (BHSS) (35%)
  • ​​Early intervention, outreach and engagement,
  • workforce education and training, capital facilities, technological needs, and innovative pilots and projects.
  • 51% must be used for Early Intervention services to assist in the early signs of mental illness or substance misuse.
  • 51% of Early Intervention services and supports must be for people 25 years and younger.
