Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH)

​​​​​​What is BHBH?  Safe Stay located at East Parkway

BHBH is a grant funded program awarded to Sacramento County by the State of California, Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS). It provides short- and mid-term sheltering options to help individuals experiencing homelessness with serious mental illness (SMI) and/or substance use disorder (SUD) transition into long-term housing. ​

Sacramento County received $43 million in the Round 1 BHBH grant through fiscal year 2026-2027. Sacramento County was also awarded Round 3 BHBH grant funding in the amount of $15 million, also through fiscal year 2026-2027.

Eligible Population?
Adults with severe mental illness and/or substance use disorders, that are experiencing homelessness. Additionally, families qualify if at least 1 caregiver meets eligibility.

Prioritization for special populations of homelessness: 
  • Justice Involved, 
  • Elderly 55+, 
  • Former Foster Youth, 
  • Fleeing Domestic Violence​,
  • LGBTQ,
  • Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act participants*.

*The Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) program creates a court process for creating a CARE plan for people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. The CARE Act requires each county to create special courts. The judges in these courts have the authority to order treatment plans for people with untreated schizophrenia. The CARE Act is intended to help people who are often homeless or incarcerated without treatment.

BHBH Projects:
BHS has invested BHBH funds to operate 100 Safe Stay beds across 3 campuses, managed by the Department Homeless Services and Housing (DHSH) with supportive services provided by BHS:
  • East Parkway Campus: 56 beds
  • Florin Safe Stay Campus: 24 beds​
  • Stockton Safe Stay Campus: 20 beds

BHBH Program is collaborating with community-based organizations in Sacramento County to develop creative transitional housing solutions.  This includes building, purchasing, and/or renovating properties to add at least 147 more beds. Of these, 30 beds will support sober living residents on their recovery journey, while the other 117 will serve special populations that are over-represented and under-served in the homelessness population.
BHBH Projects 3.7.25.jpg 

Who Can Make Referrals to BHBH?
Anyone can make a referral. 

How Can YOU Refer to BHBH? 
  • Complete a HEART Referral Form and specify "BHBH referral" in the "reasons for referral" section at the bottom.
  • Call HEART at (916) 875-1720​
​​BHBH Monthly Data Reporting

Bridge Housing Eligibility and Prioritization System (BHEPS)    
This form is used to refer individuals to Sacramento County's Behavioral Health Bridge Housing program, which provides temporary housing and supportive services for individuals experiencing homelessness and behavioral health challenges. 

A BHBH clinician will review referrals and may reach out to the referring party for more information to determine eligibility for a BHBH Interim Shelter bed based on the score and other criteria. The team will then communicate the decision. Submitting this referral form does not guarantee a BHBH bed or placement on the waitlist if eligibility criteria are not met. 
Please be aware that each shelter has its own set of program rules. These may include but not limited to prohibitions on illicit substances, availability of amnesty lockers, and requirements for background checks.  
This screener is for the BHBH program only. For immediate shelter openings in other areas at other community shelters, contact Sacramento 211 by dialing 2-1-1.  

Completed BHEPS can be sent to: 

Please click the link below to access the BHEPS:

Top right, Safe Stay located at East Parkway.
Bottom left, Safe Stay located at East Parkway. All Safe Stays welcome pets!

