Tobacco Education Program

Overview of services

Under the Sacramento County Health Education Unit, the Tobacco Education Program works to:

  • Protect the public from secondhand smoke
  • Reduce youth access to tobacco products
  • Counter the tobacco industry's deceptive marketing strategies
  • Provide training and technical assistance to local organizations working on tobacco control
  • Increase the number of smokers and chewers who quit tobacco

Smoking is the #1 cause of preventable death in the United States. More people in the U.S. die from tobacco related illness than from AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides COMBINED.

Current projects that protect our community from tobacco

  • Encouraging Sacramento County and local cities to adopt resolutions to support the FDA ban of flavored tobacco products.
  • Assisting local college campuses in adopting 100% tobacco-free campus policies.
  • Working with local youth and young adults to make Sacramento County tobacco free.
  • Encouraging and assisting property owners and managers to make their multi-unit housing complexes smoke-free.
  • Education to reduce secondhand smoke exposure in homes and cars.
  • Increasing the number of businesses and organizations with outdoor smoke-free policies.
  • Reducing tobacco industry sponsorships in the community.
  • Increasing the number of cities in Sacramento County with Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinances.
  • Increasing and maintaining compliance with smoke-free workplace laws
  • Assisting smokers and chewers in quitting tobacco use.

Who is eligible for this program?

This program serves the entire community of Sacramento with specific resources for smokers, non-smokers, parents, youth, business owners, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT), and various races/ethnicities.

The Chronic Disease Prevention Program is staffed by a program coordinator and health educators.

Program contact information

For information, technical assistance, or to receive a list of cessation services or a tobacco Quit Kit, call:

Sacramento County Tobacco Education Program
Phone (916) 875-5869

Sacramento Tobacco Resource and Information Line
Sacramento TRAIL has information on smoke-free resources in Sacramento County, including information on smoke-free bars, workplaces, playgrounds, outside dining establishments and apartments. Call TRAIL at (916) 660-5825 or click on the link above.

Countering Pro-Tobacco Influences
Read about the tobacco industry’s manipulative and misleading tactics, and what can be done to fight it.

Tobacco Cessation
Free help quitting tobacco, available in multiple languages.

Secondhand Smoke
Understand the harm caused by secondhand smoke and how you can protect yourself and others from this toxic substance.

Sacramento County Tobacco Control Coalition
Minutes, agendas, and subcommittee information

Youth Access to Tobacco Products
Sacramento County’s efforts to reduce youth smoking and access to tobacco.

Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing
Find out more information about how to go smoke-free or for a list of local smoke-free housing options.

