The Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) Epidemiology Unit (Epi) conducts disease surveillance and, using these data, generates surveillance reports on the health of Sacramento County residents. These surveillance reports address a variety of topics, including infectious diseases, chronic diseases, injury, and vital statistics. These reports and other publications are provided below (please scroll down). If you have any questions about these reports, contact us by email at
SCPH Epi Values Your Privacy
To protect personal health information (PHI) data are only shared publicly in aggregate. Generally, SCPH Epi at minimum strives to suppress any data at the sub-County level (i.e., demographic, risk factor and/or geographic sub populations) that are less than a total count of five (e.g., youth deaths less than 5) or which could be used to calculate a value of less than five (e.g., non-White cases if White cases are less than five and could be calculated using total cases). Neighborhood-level and census tract-level personally identifying information are not released publicly unless they are annualized. These privacy practices, while they may be more or less restrictive than other governing entities, are pursuant to Government Code sections 6254(k) and 6255 and Civil Code section 56.10.
Furthermore, data are subject to all applicable Federal, State and Local privacy regulations, including but not limited to:
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- California Information Practices Act Civil Code section 1798.24(e)
- Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Subpart E
- Any additional privacy/security restrictions specifically oiutlined in individual data use agreements between data recipient and governing entity.
Tabulation and Presentation of Race/Ethnicity Data
SCPH Epi currently follows, or use data that follow, the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Standards for collecting information on race and ethnicity. SCPH Epi combines race and ethnicity data to provide information on the following race/ethnicity categories: Hispanic or Latino ("Hispanic"), American Indian or Alaska Native ("AI/AN"), Asian, Black or African American ("Black"), Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ("NHPI"), and White. Persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity are categorized as "Hispanic" regardless of race. The AI/AN, Asian, Black, and NHPI groups exclude any persons categorized as "Hispanic". Previous standards combined the Asian and NHPI race categories as Asian or Pacific Islander (API). SCPH Epi sometimes combines API category for continuity with legacy data and/or due to small numbers within these race categories.
OMB Standards are the standards most often used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and importantly align with the categorization of Census data and other sources used in population denominators to calculate rates for diseases and conditions. OMB released updated Standards in 2024. SCPH, in coordination with the California Department of Public Health, will be following a guided process for implementing the new Standards by 2029.
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