Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) provides services to the community to increase awareness about the hazards of lead exposure and increase the number of children tested for blood lead poisoning.  In addition to information and education to the general public, the program offers home visitation, environmental home inspection, and health education to severly lead-poisoned children  Our mission is to educate the community on how to prevent and reduce the hazards of lead exposure especially among children under the age of six years old.​

Our Program Services

  • Information and educational resources on childhood lead poisoning prevention.  Materials are available in multiple languages.
  • Community Health Education outreach, collaboration, and partnership building with community partners.
  • Public Health Nurse case management services to children with high blood lead levels.
  • Environmental Health Specialist services for community outreach and home inspection to children with high blood lead levels.
  • Referrals and resources for lead abatement assistance.
  • Community education and outreach at schools and community health fairs​​.
  • Medical provider trainings, childcare provider trainings, school/parent presentations, and agency staff trainings.  Call our office at (916) 875-7151 to request a staff training. 

Blood Lead Testing
  • Blood lead testing is part of the well-child health exam.  Ask your child's doctor for a blood lead test! 
  • Visit Medi-Cal for Kids and Teens for a list of Medi-Cal providers. 
  • All children who participate in publicly-funded programs, such as Medi-Cal, Women, Infants and Children (WIC), and HeadStart, must have a blood lead test at 12 months and​ 24 months of age. 

Educational Materials and Community Resources

Health Care Providers 

Product Recalls and Consumer Warnings

To Qualify

​The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program serves all individuals and communities ​in Sacramento County.  


​Not Applicable.

Contact Information

(916) 875-7151