We Welcome
People of all racial and ethnic backgrounds
People of all classes,
People of all genders,
People of all sexual orientations,
People with disabilities both visible and invisible,
People of all ages,
People of all faiths and traditions including atheists and agnostics,
Whatever emotions you are bringing with you today.
Sacramento RegionLand AcknowledgementWe acknowledge that we are standing on the tribal lands of Sacramento’s Indigenous people.Labor AcknowledgementWe acknowledge labor inequities and the shared responsibility for combatting oppressive systems in our daily work.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that we are standing on the tribal lands of Sacramento’s Indigenous people.
Labor Acknowledgement
We acknowledge labor inequities and the shared responsibility for combatting oppressive systems in our daily work.
Sacramento History:
2021 - race_place_nov-2021.pdf (cityofsacramento.org)
Segregation in Sacramento: Racial agreements shaped neighborhoods | abc10.com