Behavioral Health Services Training Opportunities

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Behavioral Health Services Mental Health Provider Invoicing

Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services  

Electronic Health Record (EHR) trainings are offered to contracted provider staff and can be found on our EHR training webpage: ​​BHS EHR Training 

The following trainings are also available for contracted provider staff:

BHS/UCD Collaborative: Co-Occurring Consultation and Training Program

For additional Substance Use Prevention and Treatment​ training information and scheduling, please call: (916) 875-2050. In-service trainings are also available upon request.

Mental Health Services

EHR trainings are offered and can be found on our BHS EHR web page
Please see our training catalog and training calendar below for other Mental Health trainings: 

BHS/UCD Collaborative: Co-Occurring Consultation and Training Program
​Medi-Cal Training Materials and Links for Resources

​Cal-AIM Collaborative Resource Roundtable Recordings​

Cultural Competence & Ethnic Services Trai​nings

2022-2023 Cultural Humility Training Videos

The FY 2022 - 2023 training series covered Cultural Humility in a five-session training, through the California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions (CIBHS). Recordings of each session are listed below. 

Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals

Sponsored by the Office of Minority Health

This free e-Learning course is designed to equip behavioral health professionals with the cultural and linguistic competencies to better respect and respond to each client's unique needs. Module 1, in this four part e-Learning course, is relevant for all staff whereas Modules 2 - 4 are more relevant for clinicians and direct service providers.

Learning Objectives
After completing this continuing education activity, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how culture, cultural identity, and intersectionality are related to behavioral health and behavioral health care.
  • Describe the principles of cultural competency and cultural humility.
  • Discuss how our bias, power, and privilege can affect the therapeutic relationship.
  • Discuss ways to learn more about a client's cultural identity.
  • Describe how stereotypes and microaggressions can affect the therapeutic relationship.
  • Explain how culture and stigma can influence help-seeking behaviors.
  • Describe how communication styles can differ across cultures.
  • Identify strategies to reduce bias during assessment and diagnosis.
  • Explain how to elicit a client's explanatory model.

Accreditation Information

This program is accredited for five (5) Contact hours for licensed alcohol and drug counselors, nurses, psychologists, and psychiatrists; and for four (4) Contact hours for social workers. Other professionals may earn a Statement of Participation. Please view the website for additional information.

To Register​

5150 Training Update for Current 5150 Designees
