Mental Health Services

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How Can You Get Mental Health Services?


Behavioral Health Services-Screening and Coordination (BHS-SAC)​

Submit an online Mental Health Service Request or call the Behavioral Health Services-Screening And Coordination (BHS-SAC) Team to request an over-the-phone brief screening and linkage to an appropriate mental health service provider. This includes Mental Health Medi-Cal Service Providers and Prevention & Early Intervention and Mental Health Respite Service Providers.

Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm (24/7 for Mental Health Crisis Calls)
(916) 875-1055 or toll free (888) 881-4881 
Fax (916) 875-1190


Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health Program

Mental health and wellness is important for individuals of all ages. It is okay to ask for help or information for yourself or your family. Sadness, anxiety, worry, changes in appetite, behavior or thoughts can be scary or confusing. There is HELP available. .


Community Support Team

Staff support individuals with navigating mental health services, provide field-based brief screenings, and can refer to other community resources as needed.

Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm
(916) 874-6015

Community Support Te​am brochure​​


The Source Support Line for Youth and Caregivers

​Feeling alone, stressed, or sad? Call or text 916-SUPPORT (787-7678) for 24/7 support.


​​Consumer-Operated Warm Line

Just need someone to talk to? Individuals with lived experience offer supportive listening, referrals to mental health resources, and more.

Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm
(916) 366-4668


Older Adult Resource List

This resource list includes a directory of local, state, and national resources and services available to older adults and caregivers living in Sacramento County. The list also includes mental health services, crisis services, shelter services, prevention services, social connection resources, housing resources, and information on elder abuse.

County of Sacramento Older Adult Resource List​​​​​

Mental Health Crisis Triage Services

We provide support during a crisis through several community-based programs. Support is provided via phone, in person, and secured website. Interventions may include: in the moment support, mediation, follow-up support, information and referrals, and linkage to outpatient mental health services. 

Mental Health Crisis Triage Services webpage


Mental Health Urgent Care Clinic

Provides services on a walk-in basis to individuals of all ages who are experiencing a mental health and/or co-occurring substance abuse crisis. 

24/7, 7 days a week
2130 Stockton Boulevard, Building 300, Sacramento, CA 95817
(916) 520-2460

If you or a loved one have an immediate mental health and/or co-occurring substance abuse need and are contemplating using an emergency room, the Mental Health Urgent Care Clinic is a resource with a team of peers, clinicians, and medical staff who can assist in a calm and supportive environment. 


Homeless Engagement and Response Team

Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services (BHS) provides outreach and engagement at the local shelters and in encampments located throughout Sacramento County through our Homeless Engagement and Response Team (HEART). Staffed with Counselors and Peers, HEART uses a phased approach to help encampment residents link to needed behavioral health services and supports. 

Homeless Engagement and Response Team webpage​

Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH)

BHBH is a grant funded program awarded to Sacramento County by the State of California, Department of Health Care Services’ (DHCS).​It provides short- and mid-term sheltering options to help individuals experiencing homelessness with serious mental illness (SMI) and/or substance use disorder (SUD) transition into long-term housing. 

Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH) webpage

Supporting Comm​unity Connections (SCC) Programs

Supporting Community Connections (SCC) programs provide community defined, culturally responsive, and linguistically appropriate suicide prevention support and programs. Due to the high rate of isolation, suicide, and untreated mental health conditions, Sacramento County BHS selected the following populations/communities for Supporting Community Connections.

  • ​Older Adults 
  • ​Youth/Transition Age Youth (TAY) (focusing on foster youth / former foster youth, LGBTQ and unhoused youth populations)
  • American Indian/Alaska Native/ Indigenous communities 
  • African American communities 
  • Spanish-speaking / Latino communities 
  • Mien-speaking / Iu Mien communities 
  • Cantonese-speaking communities
  • Vietnamese-speaking communities
  • Hmong-speaking communities
  • Russian-speaking / Slavic communities 
  • Consumer-Operated Warmline 
  • Arabic-speaking communities
  • Farsi-speaking communities
  • Afghan communities

Any resident of Sacramento County (regardless of Medi-CAL eligibility) can access these services directly by contacting the SCC program. For a full list of programs and their contact information, please see the linked flyer​. 

Community Wellness Response Team (CWRT)​

Call or Text 988

CWRT responds to calls from 988 24/7/365 for individuals who may benefit from in-person crisis intervention, assessment of needs and risks, and safety planning. CWRT identifies and leverages individual strengths and natural supports; coordinates with existing Mental Health Plan (MHP) and Substance Use Prevention and Treatment (SUPT) providers as appropriate; provides voluntary transportation to urgent/emergent resources; and linkage to ongoing services.

CWRT Webapage​

Presumptive Transfer of Medi-Cal (AB 1299)

Presumptive transfer means a prompt transfer of the responsibility for the provision of, or arranging and payment for, specialty mental health services from the county of original jurisdiction to the county in which a foster child resides. To notify the Sacramento County Mental Health Plan of presumptive transfer or a waiver of transfer, email the appropriate notification information to 1299-SacramentoMHP@saccounty.go​v or fax the notification to (916) 854-8897.​​ 

Sacramento County Online Resources

Learn about the Student Mental Health and Wellness Plan: 

Centering Wellness, a plan to prioritize the mental health and wellness of our students and the adults working to support them.​

Mental Illness: It's Not Always What You Think:

Stop Stigma Sacramento


Mental Health Plan Members' Handbook

Mental Health Plan Members' Handbook, a guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services.​ ​
